Group Exhibitions
You'll Never Know:
Drawing & Random Interference
Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, UK
25 March - 18 June 2006
Hayward Gallery touring exhibition touring to: Glynn Vivian Gallery, Swansea, UK; The Lowry, Salford, UK; The New Art Gallery, Walsall, UK; Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle, UK
Curated by Jeni Walwin & Henry Krokatsi
Artists include: Anna Barriball, Ian Breakwell, Layla Curtis, Peter Fischli and David Weiss, Rebecca Horn, Mona Hatoum, Claude Heath, Tim Knowles, Tania Kovats, Henry Krokatsis, Richard Long, Cornelia Parker, Steven Pippin, Keith Tyson and Mark Wallinger.
Related publication: You'll Never Know: Drawing & Random Interference
Further information: southbankcentre

Message in a Bottle from Ramsgate to the Chatham Islands, live GPS drawing, 2004